
Autocalver removes the need to bump, manually or automatically, your versions. Instead, the version will be automatically generated.

Quick start

Autocalver is a setuptools plugin. It needs to be installed and activated.

The following is usually what needs to be copied to the pyproject.toml:

requires = ["setuptools", "autocalver"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

# ...
dynamic = ["version"]

use = true
log_command = "git log -n 1 --date=iso > git-log-head"
log = "git-log-head"
is_main_var = "<env var with branch name>"
is_main_match = "^main$"

The first part, the build-system, adds autocalver to the dependencies. The second part declares version as dynamic, so it is not specified directly in pyproject.toml.

Finally, the configuration for autocalver:

  • use: Enable autocalver. Change to false to disable.

  • log_command: Command to generate a log if the log file does not exist.

  • log: File containing the log of the latest commit.

  • is_main_var: Sentinel environment variable to detect build environment.

  • is_main_match: Regular expression that indicates this is a build of the main branch.

Version value

The “root” of the version is based on the latest commit. It takes the commit date, in UTC, and manufactures the version as follows: <Year>.<Month>.<Day>.<Seconds>. The seconds are counted since the beginning of the day.

The verion is modified as follows:

  • If the sentinel environment variable is missing or empty, it generates a dev1 build. It is assumed to be a build that is done locally.

  • If the sentinel environment variable exists and non-empty, but does not match a regular expression, it generates an rc1 build. It is assumed to be running from CI on a development branch.

  • If the sentinel environment variable matches a regular expression, the “root” version is the one that is built.